Garth Avenue
Here is the family shortly after Andy (me, the author here) was born. This is the house on Garth Avenue that is now the West bound on-ramp to the Santa Monica Freeway at La Cienega Boulevard. La Cienega means "the swamp" in Spanish, and there were marks from multiple floods on the interids on the interior walls of the garage. According to my mother, the neighbor reported that there was a lot of traffic in canoes during rain storms in the winter.
On that note, there is the story of how when my Father first went to work in Los Angeles for O'Melveney and Meyers. At noon time the managing partner sent the secretarial staff home because it was going to rain. Being from Ohio, my father did not understand why one would go home early because of rain. Then he spent two hours driving the 10 miles from downtown LA to Garth Avenue in the rain -- and then he understood.
In pictures clearly taken at the same time,aken at the same time, we have my mother Jane, my brother Bill, and my father Norb.
Here are Kit and Bill portraits, I believe from 1960.